Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), as a university through the Directorate of Research and Community Services (DPPM), has set research and community services as one of the spearheads in achieving the goals of UII, namely to benefit the society (Rahmatan lil’alamin), and in developing the institution. This is also the manifestation of the Four Pillars of Higher Education (Catur Dharma) of UII which comprise research and community service activities. DPPM is an academic division that is assigned to implement, make coordination, monitor, and assess the implementation of research and community services, as well as take part in developing human resource competencies. Since its establishment, DPPM UII has facilitated and encouraged the academic community within UII to conduct research and community services, either in groups or individually. To carry out the duties, functions, and limitations of the program, DPPM UII was developed through coordination under Division I (Academic Division) which was led by Vice Rector I.
DPPM UII is a place for the academic community to conduct research and community services. Regarding the fluctuating number of new students enrolled at UII and the dynamic community development, UII has set its goal to creating a research university. A research university is defined as the number of research results used in the classroom teaching and learning processes, but it can also measure the number of doctoral graduates produced by the university. To optimize its function as a place for the academic community to conduct research and community services, DPPM has established partnership with various institutions and society in developing the patterns and conceptions of research and community empowerment.
The existence of DPPM UII expectedly facilitates UII in realizing its Visions and Missions as the mercy for all creations (Rahmatan lil alamin).