“Student Community Services”

Student Community Services (KKN) is a mandatory intracurricular activity that combines the implementation of the Catur Darma Universitas Islam Indonesia with the method of providing learning and working experiences in society with the concept of empowerment. The learning process, according to the concept of student-centered learning, expects the students’ independences be implemented in a society. By participating in KKN, students can learn directly to identify and manage challenges and potential that exist in society based on knowledge. Students are also able to adapt to real society life throughout KKN. KKN factually provides challenges and opportunities for students to communicate, interact, and collaborate with the community in solving problems. KKN is one of the academic activities that has a major role in supporting the achievement of graduate competencies so that they are able to provide a contributive role for society. The implementation of KKN UII has several principles Increase public awareness, empowerment, sustainability and independenc. In addition to these activities, the presence of KKN students is expected to provide motivation and inspiration regarding education in tertiary institutions in the community.

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 1006/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2024 Regarding PREPARATORY SCHEDULE FOR THE 70th BATCH OF THE UII KKN PROGRAM EVEN SEMESTER, ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025 It is hereby announced that students participating in the 70th Batch of the UII KKN Program for the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025 are expected to pay attention to and are required to […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 968/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2024 Subject: Announcement of Registration and Payment Dispensation for Community Service Program (KKN) Batch 70 Even Semester Academic Year 2024/2025   It is hereby announced to all UII students that there will be a dispensation for the registration and payment of the Community Service Program (KKN) Batch 70 for the Even Semester of […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 867/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/X/2024 Subject: Announcement for Registration of KKN Batch 70 Even Semester Academic Year 2024/2025 It is announced to UII students who will participate in KKN Batch 70 Even Semester Academic Year 2024/2025, that the prerequisites for KKN Batch 70 are as follows: Academic requirements: Completion of ≥ 100 SKS (Credits). Completion of 50 […]

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Violence is any intentional action taken by an individual or group that results in physical injury or mental stress, disrupting activities and health. Violence has a negative impact on both the victim and the perpetrator, thus requiring attention, including in KKN activities. The KKN Center is committed to preventing violence against students and following up […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No:/DirDPPM/80/DPPM/VII/2024 Subject: SCHEDULE FOR PRE-IMPLEMENTATION OF KKN UII BATCH 69 ODD SEMESTER ACADEMIC YEAR 2024/2025   It is announced that students participating in KKN UII Batch 69 for the Odd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025 are required to observe and adhere to the following KKN pre-implementation schedule: table Therefore, please take note. Yogyakarta, July […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No:/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/VI/2024 Subject: Follow-Up Payment for KKN Batch 69 Odd Semester Academic Year 2024/2025   It is announced to UII students participating in KKN Batch 69 for the Odd Semester of Academic Year 2024/2025 that the KKN payment will be reopened from Wednesday, June 5 to Thursday, June 6, 2024. Thank you for your attention. […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No:/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/IV/2024 Subject: Announcement for Registration of KKN Batch 69 Odd Semester Academic Year 2024/2025 It is announced to UII students who will participate in KKN Batch 69 Odd Semester Academic Year 2024/2025, that the prerequisites for KKN Batch 69 are as follows: Academic requirements: Completion of ≥ 100 SKS (Credits). Completion of 50 SKP […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT No:/Dir DPPM/80/DPPM/II/2024 Regarding: COLLECTION OF OUTPUTS AND REPORTS FOR OFFLINE COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM (KKN) BATCH 68 EVEN SEMESTER A.Y. 2023/2024 ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA   To facilitate the collection of reports and outputs for the Offline Community Service Program (KKN) Batch 68, it is hereby informed to field supervisors and students that the submission […]

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 758/DirDPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2023 Regarding REVISED SCHEDULE FOR THE PRE-IMPLEMENTATION OF UII KKN BATCH 68 SECOND SEMESTER 2023/2024 ACADEMIC YEAR Announced to all students participating in the UII KKN Batch 68 Second Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024, it is expected to pay attention to and be obliged to follow the schedule of KKN implementation activities […]

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Announcement No: 752/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2023 Regarding: CANCELLATION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES EQUIVALENT TO UII KKN IN THE SECOND SEMESTER OF ACADEMIC YEAR 2023/2024 In connection with various activities closely related to the process of organizing the 2024 ELECTIONS (political party campaigns, etc.), we hereby announce to all UII students that for the Second Semester of the Academic […]