Scientific publications are one of the academic traditions within the university environment that must be continuously preserved. In addition to advancing the related disciplines through published research, the quantity and quality of scientific publications also serve as benchmarks for the quality of a higher education institution.
The Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), as a research-based campus, also strives to encourage the interest and enthusiasm of researchers and lecturers in publishing their research. This was reflected in the Workshop and International Reputable Journal Writing Clinic held at The Jayakarta Hotel, Yogyakarta on Thursday-Friday (June 8-9).
The event, organized by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) UII, involved several figures in the research world, such as Prof. Thomas Boving, MS., Ph.D., from The University of Rhode Island as the keynote speaker, Prof. Drs. Agus Widarjono, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Is Fatimah, S.Si., M.Si., and Dr.rer.soc. Masduki, S.Ag., M.Si., from UII’s internal researchers as reviewers.
Prof. Thomas Boving’s presentation opened the event with an explanation of the systematic writing of research for scientific publication purposes, the series of publication stages, and the types of research that can attract the interest of international researchers. The target platform for scientific publications from this activity is internationally reputable journals.
Meanwhile, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., as Director of DPPM UII, expressed his gratitude for the event. He stated that the number of publications at UII, especially from lecturers, is still relatively low and thus has great potential to be increased in both quantity and quality. This certainly requires good cooperation between research managers and researchers.
He also added that one of the goals of this activity is to optimize the grant funds from DPPM UII for research and publication purposes. Thus, research activities at UII can be carried out continuously with quality improvement as a priority.
“Things like novelty in research are one of the important aspects that need to be enhanced in research management within our campus,” said Eko Siswoyo in an interview with UII Public Relations during the event.
He mentioned that the novelty of the topic or research methods is an aspect that can make a research or scientific publication quickly noticed by reviewers and researchers worldwide. This also allows a study to contribute more significantly to the development of a particular discipline.
The high enthusiasm from lecturers and researchers was evident from the presence of participants from various faculties at UII. The participants who attended this event were those who had prepared or started their research previously and registered their research drafts to be reviewed and given feedback by the attending reviewers.
The event, held over two consecutive days, took an intensive clinic or incubation format so that researchers could write their research results more focused and optimally. (HM/ESP)
News Source: https://www.uii.ac.id/dppm-uii-gaungkan-semangat-publikasi-internasional-dosen
No : 257/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/IV/2023
About :
Announcement of Registration for KKN Batch 67 Odd Semester
TA 2023/2024
UII students who will take part in KKN Batch 67 Odd Semester FY 2023/2024 are informed that the prerequisites for KKN Batch 67 are as follows :
Thank you for your attention.
Yogyakarta, April 5, 2023
Director of DPPM UII
Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
DPPM UII Promotes the Spirit of International Publications Among Lecturers
Scientific publications are one of the academic traditions within the university environment that must be continuously preserved. In addition to advancing the related disciplines through published research, the quantity and quality of scientific publications also serve as benchmarks for the quality of a higher education institution.
The Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), as a research-based campus, also strives to encourage the interest and enthusiasm of researchers and lecturers in publishing their research. This was reflected in the Workshop and International Reputable Journal Writing Clinic held at The Jayakarta Hotel, Yogyakarta on Thursday-Friday (June 8-9).
The event, organized by the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) UII, involved several figures in the research world, such as Prof. Thomas Boving, MS., Ph.D., from The University of Rhode Island as the keynote speaker, Prof. Drs. Agus Widarjono, M.A., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Is Fatimah, S.Si., M.Si., and Dr.rer.soc. Masduki, S.Ag., M.Si., from UII’s internal researchers as reviewers.
Prof. Thomas Boving’s presentation opened the event with an explanation of the systematic writing of research for scientific publication purposes, the series of publication stages, and the types of research that can attract the interest of international researchers. The target platform for scientific publications from this activity is internationally reputable journals.
Meanwhile, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., as Director of DPPM UII, expressed his gratitude for the event. He stated that the number of publications at UII, especially from lecturers, is still relatively low and thus has great potential to be increased in both quantity and quality. This certainly requires good cooperation between research managers and researchers.
He also added that one of the goals of this activity is to optimize the grant funds from DPPM UII for research and publication purposes. Thus, research activities at UII can be carried out continuously with quality improvement as a priority.
“Things like novelty in research are one of the important aspects that need to be enhanced in research management within our campus,” said Eko Siswoyo in an interview with UII Public Relations during the event.
He mentioned that the novelty of the topic or research methods is an aspect that can make a research or scientific publication quickly noticed by reviewers and researchers worldwide. This also allows a study to contribute more significantly to the development of a particular discipline.
The high enthusiasm from lecturers and researchers was evident from the presence of participants from various faculties at UII. The participants who attended this event were those who had prepared or started their research previously and registered their research drafts to be reviewed and given feedback by the attending reviewers.
The event, held over two consecutive days, took an intensive clinic or incubation format so that researchers could write their research results more focused and optimally. (HM/ESP)
News Source: https://www.uii.ac.id/dppm-uii-gaungkan-semangat-publikasi-internasional-dosen
Working Visit from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya to DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia
SLEMAN, – Working Visit from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya to DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta, Wednesday (10/05/2023)
The event began with a presentation on the main functions of DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia by Mr. Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., the Director of DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia. He emphasized that all activities based on Research, Community Service, and KKN (Student Community Service) have been systematically implemented, facilitating the entire process from registration to the required outputs.
“One of the outputs required in KKN activities, for example, is a village profile. This profile includes various aspects, starting from village potential, village documentation, and even long-term development plans for the partner village’s potential, which will be developed and followed up in a sustainable collaboration between the partner village and DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia, both in terms of community service and research,” emphasized Mr. Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
At the same venue, Dr. Adrian Teja, CFA, CIPM, Vice Dean for Human Resources, Administration, and Operations at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, further explained the purpose of their visit to DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia.
“Based on our experience during the accreditation process, we encountered difficulties in answering questions and providing evidence to assessors regarding the social impact of our KKN activities, because we did not yet have a scheme related to outputs and follow-up actions in a sustainable collaboration process between the partner village and us at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, as has been done by DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia with its partner villages, according to Mr. Eko Siswoyo’s previous presentation,” he explained.
On this occasion, Mr. Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., Director of DPPM Universitas Islam Indonesia, accompanied by Dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.Gizi., Head of the KKN Center, provided advice on the importance of documentation in terms of outputs and follow-up actions in a sustainable collaboration process with partner villages, as this will be one of the crucial aspects for the accreditation process. (text editor Panca SW.)
DPPM UII Signs MoA Cooperation with Maguwoharjo Village in Education, Research, Community Service, and KKN
SLEMAN, – Signing of MoA in Education, Research, Community Service, and KKN between DPPM UII and Maguwoharjo Village, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta, Thursday (13/04/2023)
Today, Thursday, April 13, 2023, a memorandum of agreement (MoA) was signed between DPPM UII and Maguwoharjo Village at the Maguwoharjo village hall. According to Mr. Kasidi, SE, the Village Head of Maguwoharjo, the village and sub-district levels have been invited to the district to receive directives to collaborate with higher education institutions in the Sleman area. However, this direct cooperation between a university and Maguwoharjo Village is a first, initiated by UII.
“Regarding this cooperation, I hope Maguwoharjo Village will progress and be able to leverage its potential to improve the welfare of its residents,” emphasized Mr. Kasidi, SE, the Village Head of Maguwoharjo.
At the same venue, Mr. Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., Director of DPPM UII, provided further explanation about the purpose of the MoA, which is to serve as an umbrella for various collaborative activities in Education, Research, Community Service, and KKN. He also explained that the KKN program at UII is different from most other universities.
“Our KKN prioritizes the development of the potential in the targeted KKN villages,” emphasized Mr. Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
During this event, the Director of DPPM UII was accompanied by the Head of the Research Center, Dr. Rer.Soc. Masduki, S.Ag., M.Si., Head of the Community Service Center, Junaidi Safitri, S.E.I., M.E.I., and Head of the KKN Center, Dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.Gizi. They expressed hope that this cooperation will bring many positive impacts to the broader community, particularly the residents of Maguwoharjo Village. (text editor Panca SW.)
ASSISTANCE IN THE DIFFUSION OF BIOPORE INFILTRATION HOLES: Reducing Rainwater Flooding and Anticipating Clean Water Scarcity in the Dry Season
(Sleman 9/1) – Referring to the report by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of D.I. Yogyakarta, the rainy season began in October, with the peak expected in December 2022, January 2023, and February 2023, generally predicted to peak in February 2023 (Karnawati, 2022). The high rainfall has led to rainwater flooding in the Al-Muhajirin Mosque Complex area, Tiyasan, Condongcatur Village, Depok District, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta. This flooding is caused by the high and evenly distributed rainfall intensity in Sleman. Additionally, the concrete paving of village roads and residential yards in recent years, unsupported by adequate rainwater runoff drainage, exacerbates the flooding.
Rainwater flooding in residential yards cannot be underestimated, as pathogenic microbes, fungi, and viruses can proliferate, causing various diseases from skin ailments to gastrointestinal illnesses (diarrhea, dysentery, etc.). Furthermore, the lack of water absorption in the open spaces of the area worsens the impact of rainwater runoff. Consequently, during long dry seasons, there is a scarcity of well water, leading to sanitation health issues and the emergence of diseases. Clean water access is urgent, as it is needed for cooking, drinking, bathing, and ablution. If clean water becomes scarce, public health deteriorates, and diseases emerge. To address the environmental and health issues around the mosque complex, a community service program titled “DIFFUSION OF BIOPORE INFILTRATION HOLE TECHNOLOGY: Rainwater Storage in the Ground to Anticipate Well Water Scarcity for Al-Muhajirin Mosque Complex Residents, Tiyasan, Condongcatur Village, Depok District, Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta” was proposed, with presenter Feris Firdaus, M.Sc., a lecturer in the Industrial Engineering Department at Universitas Islam Indonesia. This program aims to reduce rainwater flooding and increase groundwater storage, preventing well water scarcity during the dry season.
The community service activities carried out in the area showed high community enthusiasm for implementing and diffusing the biopore infiltration hole technology. The community fully realizes that this effort is to minimize rainwater flooding in their yards and serve as a groundwater/well deposit to anticipate water scarcity in the dry season. The activities began with a training session at the mosque’s porch, attended by mosque administrators and congregants living around the mosque. The materials covered the technical concept of biopore infiltration hole diffusion, the necessary equipment, and materials, including a 1-meter-long manual soil drill shaped like a T and a 4-inch diameter PVC pipe with a perforated lid using an electric soldering iron. The next step was the practical creation of biopore infiltration holes using the equipment and materials, conducted participatorily, allowing the community to implement their knowledge with direct assistance from the facilitators.
This practical session resulted in two biopore infiltration holes, complete with perforated PVC pipes and lids ready to absorb subsequent rainwater. From these two biopore infiltration holes, it is hoped that the community can produce many more in potential flooding spots around the mosque and residential yards, allowing the technology’s benefits to be widely felt. The more infiltration holes the community has, the more abundant the groundwater deposit, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030) related to clean water access and sanitation for the community.
Extension of the Upload Period of the Final Report of the Research and Community Service Program for the 2022 Fiscal Year
Comparative Study of LPPM Universitas Riau to DPPM UII
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 – DPPM UII welcomed a visit from the Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Riau (LPPM Universitas Riau). The LPPM Universitas Riau delegation was represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emilda Firdaus, SH., MH (Secretary), and a team consisting of Dr. Besri Nasrul, SP., M.Si; Dr. Sri Endang Kornita, SE., M.Si; Dr. rer. nat. Radith Mahatma, M.Si; Chairul, ST., M.T; and Indra Lesmana, S.Pi, M.Si.
The visit was aimed at conducting a comparative study on the implementation and execution of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) Community Service Program at UII. The LPPM Riau Kukerta team was received in the DPPM UII Meeting Room, located at the 3rd Floor of the Ulil Albab Mosque Complex, UII Integrated Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5 Yogyakarta. They were welcomed by the Director of Research and Community Service at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc., ES., Ph.D., the Head of the KKN Center, Dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.Gizi, and several staff members of DPPM UII.