The Atmosphere of the Gebyar Lansia Activities Expo in Gedongkiwo Village (left) and the Gebyar Lansia Expo in Purbayan Village (right). (Photo: Widodo)
YOGYAKARTA CITY (UII News). The Gebyar Lansia event marked the culmination of the Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) by the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Integrated Elderly Services Program (LLT) in Yogyakarta City, specifically in Purbayan and Gedongkiwo villages. The Gebyar Lansia event in Purbayan Village was held at the Purbayan Sports Hall on 9 Sha’ban 1445 H / February 19, 2024, attended by elderly experts from the Yogyakarta City Bappeda, Kotagede District Chief, Purbayan Village Head, Purbayan Elderly Commission Chairman, the Head of the UII KKN Center, and UII KKN Field Supervising Lecturers in Purbayan.
Rahmanto, S.Fil., M.A., an elderly expert from the Yogyakarta City Bappeda, in his speech, expressed happiness about the KKN students’ concern for the elderly and hoped the program could continue sustainably. Meanwhile, Komaru Ma’arif, the Kotagede District Chief, mentioned other ongoing assistance provided by KKN students from other universities, such as maintaining cultural heritage objects or buildings and assisting with tourism potential in Purbayan. According to him, all of these are part of the Gandeng Gendong Yogyakarta City program, which involves universities as one of its components.
The Gebyar Lansia activities in Purbayan concluded with an expo showcasing KKN outputs, such as modules on Inheritance and Will Law, Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Post Power Syndrome, Effective Communication with the Elderly, Hypertension and Stroke Education, Elderly Medication, Household Chemicals, Elderly Health and Nutrition, Elderly-Friendly Home Analysis, Physical & Social Activities for the Elderly, Purbayan LLT Analysis, Elderly Worship Guidebook, and the development of an Emergency Bracelet for elderly living alone, among various door prize raffles.
Meanwhile, the Gebyar Lansia in Gedongkiwo Village was held on 16 Sha’ban 1445 / February 26, 2024, at Joglo Bale Witana Gedongkiwo, attended by the Gedongkiwo Village Head, Gedongkiwo Elderly Commission Chairman, representatives from UII’s DPPM, and UII KKN Field Supervising Lecturers in Gedongkiwo.
Rina Budi Prastiwi, S.IP., M.Si., the Gedongkiwo Village Head, expressed hope for the program’s sustainability and that the efforts by UII KKN students would serve as a foundation for strengthening the LLT commission, developing LLT programs, and empowering the economy through the LLT scheme. She also requested UII KKN students to further promote the GoLanTang (Go Resilient Elderly) BKKBN application.
Unlike the expo in Purbayan Village, which featured more modules, the expo in Gedongkiwo Village showcased more products, such as peyek (crackers), herbal drinks, snacks, salted eggs, tempeh burgers, eco-enzyme soap, and many more.
The Research Institute of UGJ Conducts a Comparative Study Visit to DPPM UII
To support and enhance the performance of its Research Institute, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati (UGJ) Cirebon sent a delegation for a goodwill visit and comparative study to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) on Thursday, March 7, 2024. The delegation, led by Prof. Dr. Hj. Ida Rosnidah, S.E., M.M., Ak., CA., CRME., CIRR, Head of UGJ Research Institute, was warmly received by the Director of DPPM UII, Ir. Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D, along with the DPPM UII staff.
During the visit, Eko Siswoyo provided an overview of the community service activities conducted through the KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) scheme as well as the regular scheme.
Additionally, he discussed the research funding schemes through research grants organized by DPPM UII and the journal indexing efforts undertaken by DPPM UII. “For Scopus indexing initially, we needed funds to provide incentives for the writers (especially those from abroad). Once our journal is indexed by Scopus, they will naturally strive to submit their papers to our journal. So, to catch a big fish, we need to use big bait,” he explained.
Regarding SINTA 2 indexing, Eko Siswoyo mentioned that it can be pursued by accepting journal materials in English. Moreover, collaboration in journal management with the spirit of “Progress Together” can also be added. In the end, Eko Siswoyo expressed his hope for future collaboration in research and/or journal management with UGJ.
Before leaving DPPM, the delegation had the opportunity to observe the outputs of UII’s KKN, which they found very interesting.
No:/Dir DPPM/80/DPPM/II/2024
To facilitate the collection of reports and outputs for the Offline Community Service Program (KKN) Batch 68, it is hereby informed to field supervisors and students that the submission of reports and outputs can be done through: https://bit.ly/laporan-dan-luaran-kkn-uii-angkatan68 The procedures for preparing outputs and reports refer to the KKN guideline book for Batch 68 even semester A.Y. 2023/2024. Submission is open from Friday, March 1st to Monday, March 11th, 2024. Outputs and reports uploaded by students have been approved by the supervising lecturers. This announcement is made for attention.
Yogyakarta, February 28th, 2024
Director of DPPM
Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
Festivity for the Elderly, Marks the Conclusion of Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) by UII-LLT
UII KKN Students Create GEULIS V2
Kern Cesarean Ahnaf with His Innovation Module GEULIS V2 (Photo: Widodo)
KOTAGEDE (UII News). A simple innovation to help minimize potential emergencies or send emergency notifications for the elderly (especially those living alone) to their family members (who may live separately or far away) has been successfully created by Kern Cesarean Ahnaf, a student from the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This was achieved during the UII Thematic KKN program for Integrated Elderly Services (LLT), in collaboration with the Yogyakarta City Government, from 7 Rajab to 9 Sha’ban 1445 H (19 January to 19 February 2024).
Kern Cesarean Ahnaf, commonly known as Kern, was part of unit 1 for the KKN LLT in the Gedongan area, Purbayan Village, Kotagede District. The idea for the IoT (Internet of Things)-based assistive device in the form of a bracelet came from Kern’s observations at the beginning of the KKN LLT program. He noted that out of 177 elderly residents in Gedongan (Purbayan), 12 lived alone without family support.
According to Kern, this situation could potentially lead to serious emergency issues that go unnoticed.
“Starting from this problem, the use of IoT presents a promising solution. Each elderly person will be equipped with an IoT device in the form of a bracelet. When activated (i.e., the button is pressed), it will send an emergency notification via WhatsApp (WA),” he explained.
Besides notifications, Kern mentioned that several features could be added to the GEULIS bracelet, such as location detection, fall detection, a SIM card, a dedicated application, or a specially designed BOT for the GEULIS bracelet.
Although still simple, Kern hopes his innovation can be further refined and mass-produced to help elderly individuals living alone throughout Indonesia.
UII Releases Participants of KKN Period 68
KALIURANG (UII News). “KKN is one of the forefronts of UII’s role in direct community engagement. We will often engage in discussions with the community. We start by trying to listen to what the community has to say. There is a Javanese proverb that says ‘Deso mowo coro,’ which means every village/location has customs and traditions that have been established universally and passed down through generations. Do not violate them. Because violating them may potentially lead to poor communication during KKN. Learn, observe, and respect the culture within the community. Hopefully, this will serve as preparation throughout the KKN period. Be cautious. Take care of yourselves. Take care of your group and also uphold the good name of UII.”
Thus were some of the important messages conveyed by the Vice Rector for Academic Development and Research of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Prof. Jaka Nugraha, Dr., S.Si., M.Si., during his address at the Release of UII KKN Students for Period 68 of the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 at the Prof. Abdul Kahar Muzakir Auditorium on Thursday, 6 Rajab 1445 H / January 18, 2024.
The Director of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., in his report, mentioned that for the UII KKN period 68, there were 998 participants spread across 119 units, with 16 units supporting the Integrated Elderly Services Program (LLT) of the Yogyakarta City Government, 5 units assisting in the development and/or internationalization of Kebonagung Tourism Village (Imogiri, Bantul), 7 units assisting in the development of Sendangsari Tourism Village (Kulonprogo), 2 units facilitating participants with special obstacles, and the remaining 89 units spread across various regions such as Bantul Regency, Gunungkidul Regency, Kulonprogo Regency, and Magelang Regency.
The send-off was also marked by the wearing of UII’s academic gown by one male and one female representative of the participants, done by Prof. Jaka Nugraha, Dr., S.Si., M.Si., witnessed by the Director of DPPM UII (Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.) and the Head of the UII KKN Service Center (dr. Edi Fitriyanto, M.GIZI).
The event concluded with a joint prayer led by Drs. Aden Wijdan SZ., M.Si.
UMI LPKM Benchmarking Visit to UII DPPM
Director of UII DPPM, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., Providing Information about UII DPPM and its Various Activities (Photo: Widodo)
KALIURANG (UII News). “The purpose of this benchmarking activity is to gain a better understanding of the implementation of MBKM, how community service is managed for both lecturers and students, how UII manages its KKN, and also to foster relationships.” This was stated by the Head of the Institute for Community Service (LPKM) of Universitas Muslim Indonesia (UMI) Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Gani, SE., M.Si., during a visit to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), on Thursday, 15 Jumadilakhir 1445 H / December 28, 2023 AD.
This desire was warmly welcomed by the Director of UII DPPM, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D. He extensively discussed the implementation of MBKM, the research conducted by lecturers and lab assistants, the research proposal process, and the management of KKN. He mentioned that UII DPPM is currently the backbone in advancing research and the application of scientific knowledge in the academic environment, as well as promoting the application of this knowledge for the benefit of the wider community.
Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.GIZI, the Head of the UII KKN Service Center, who was also present, warmly welcomed the guests and provided additional information regarding the implementation of UII’s KKN, both regular and thematic.
During the visit, representatives from UMI Makassar also provided an overview of their research management and KKN activities.
The discussion, which appeared warm and friendly, concluded with an exchange of souvenirs.
Number: 758/DirDPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2023
Announced to all students participating in the UII KKN Batch 68 Second Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024, it is expected to pay attention to and be obliged to follow the schedule of KKN implementation activities as follows:
At 3:00 PM
At 3:00 PM
At 3:00 PM
(KKN Service Room)
From 08:30 AM to 11:00 AM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
From 08:30 AM to 11:00 AM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Faculty-Level Student Orientation for KKN
(Click here)
From 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
From 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
From 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
From 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
From 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
At 07:00 AM
At respective locations
Thus, for your attention.
Yogyakarta, December 20, 2023
Director of DPPM UII
Ir. Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
No: 752/Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/XII/2023
In connection with various activities closely related to the process of organizing the 2024 ELECTIONS (political party campaigns, etc.), we hereby announce to all UII students that for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024, UII KKN Service (DPPM UII) WILL CANCEL various Community Service activities equivalent to UII KKN.
We are compelled to make this decision in order to reduce and/or avoid various potential adverse situations that could occur for students participating in the equivalent UII KKN community service activities and/or the supervising lecturers of those activities.
This announcement is hereby conveyed. We thank you for your attention.
Yogyakarta, December 11, 2023
Director of DPPM UII
Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.
List of Participants Announcement (Temporary) UII Thematic KKN Program Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) 2023
Number: /DirDPPM/80/DPPM/XI/2023
List of Participants Announcement (Temporary) UII Thematic KKN Program Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) 2023
To Whom It May Concern,
All Students
Prospective Participants of UII’s KKN
Specifically for the Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) Thematic Program
Yogyakarta City Government
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Hereby, we announce the prospective participants of UII’s Thematic KKN: Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) in Yogyakarta City for the year 2024.
Status Register for KKN Reg
For STUDENTS PARTICIPATING in the UII THEMATIC KKN: LLT 2024 with the status of Register for KKN Reg:
Not Registered, please register immediately through your respective Gateway by today at 3:00 PM (WIB), then proceed to make the KKN payment. Registered-Not Paid Yet, please make the payment by today, Thursday, November 30, 2023 Registered, awaiting further unit and location assignments
Thus, we convey this announcement. We thank you for your attention.
Peace and blessings be upon you.
Head of UII’s KKN Department
Signed by,
dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.GIZI
Thematic KKN LLT participants do not stay overnight at the KKN location
Special Announcement for Registration (Supplementary) UII Thematic Community Service Program (Layanan Lansia Terpadu) LLT 2023
All Students
Prospective Participants of UII Community Service Program (Supplementary)
Specifically for the Integrated Elderly Services Thematic Program (LLT)
Yogyakarta City Government
Assalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wabarakaatuh,
We hereby announce that the registration for the Regular Community Service Program was closed as of November 23, 2023. However, for students who have not registered themselves as participants in the regular Community Service Program within the specified period, you may still register as prospective participants for the UII Thematic Community Service Program: Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) in collaboration with the Yogyakarta City Government.
For the quota of registrants for the Thematic Community Service Program (Specifically) Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) under the Yogyakarta City Government, we limit the maximum capacity to 126 participants with registration closing on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 23:59 WIB (Western Indonesian Time). Registration link: https://s.id/Khusus_KKN_LLT_Susulan
Should the number of registrants for the Thematic LLT Community Service Program exceed 126 participants, we (Community Service Unit of UII’s Directorate of Partnership and Public Services) will conduct a selection process and/or implement other suitable policies. The announcement for the selection of participants exceeding the maximum quota for the Thematic LLT Community Service Program registrants will, God willing, be made on November 30, 2023, at 10:00 WIB.
For participants deemed eligible to join the Thematic LLT Community Service Program (Supplementary), they will be required to re-register through the Regular Community Service System gateway (the registration link will be sent via Whatsapp/WA application) and complete the payment for the Community Service Program by November 30, 2023, at 23:59.
— Delay in payment will automatically revoke participation in the Regular/Thematic Community Service Program —
Thus, we convey these provisions. We express our gratitude for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.
Head of UII Community Service Center
dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.GIZI
This form must be filled using a UII email account.
Participants of the Thematic LLT Community Service Program do not stay overnight at the service location.