All Students
Prospective Participants of UII Community Service Program (Supplementary)
Specifically for the Integrated Elderly Services Thematic Program (LLT)
Yogyakarta City Government

Assalamu’alaikum warrahamatullahi wabarakaatuh,

We hereby announce that the registration for the Regular Community Service Program was closed as of November 23, 2023. However, for students who have not registered themselves as participants in the regular Community Service Program within the specified period, you may still register as prospective participants for the UII Thematic Community Service Program: Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) in collaboration with the Yogyakarta City Government.

For the quota of registrants for the Thematic Community Service Program (Specifically) Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) under the Yogyakarta City Government, we limit the maximum capacity to 126 participants with registration closing on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 23:59 WIB (Western Indonesian Time). Registration link:

Should the number of registrants for the Thematic LLT Community Service Program exceed 126 participants, we (Community Service Unit of UII’s Directorate of Partnership and Public Services) will conduct a selection process and/or implement other suitable policies. The announcement for the selection of participants exceeding the maximum quota for the Thematic LLT Community Service Program registrants will, God willing, be made on November 30, 2023, at 10:00 WIB.

For participants deemed eligible to join the Thematic LLT Community Service Program (Supplementary), they will be required to re-register through the Regular Community Service System gateway (the registration link will be sent via Whatsapp/WA application) and complete the payment for the Community Service Program by November 30, 2023, at 23:59.

— Delay in payment will automatically revoke participation in the Regular/Thematic Community Service Program —

Thus, we convey these provisions. We express our gratitude for your attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

Head of UII Community Service Center


dr. Raden Edi Fitriyanto, M.GIZI


This form must be filled using a UII email account.
Participants of the Thematic LLT Community Service Program do not stay overnight at the service location.


Registration for Thematic Community Service (KKN)

  1. Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) [Location: Yogyakarta City]
  2. Development of Tourism Village [Location: Sendangsari, Kulonprogo]

Even Semester Academic Year 2023/2024
It is announced to the UII students who will participate in the Regular Community Service Program in the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024, that for this semester we will also open registration for Thematic Community Service related to Integrated Elderly Services (LLT) in the Yogyakarta City area and the Development of Sendangsari Tourism Village in Kulonprogo.

The LLT program itself functions to connect the needs of elderly services and service providers covering health (physical and psychological), social services, and economics tailored to the needs of the elderly.

Due to the limited implementation areas for the Thematic Community Service LLT and Development of Tourism Village, the participation for Thematic Community Service LLT is limited to a maximum of 144 participants divided into 16 units. Meanwhile, for the Thematic Community Service Development of Tourism Village, participation is limited to a maximum of 36 participants divided into 4 units.

Selection of participants will be conducted by the UII Community Service Office, considering the disciplinary needs in the location of the Thematic Community Service.

The announcement of the selection results will, God willing, be made on December 5, 2023.
For those interested in participating in the Thematic Community Service LLT in Yogyakarta City, please register through the following link:


  • Mandatory Requirement: Participants must have registered for the Regular Community Service in the Even Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 through the UII Gateway.
  • Participants who do not pass the Thematic Community Service selection will still remain as participants in the Regular Community Service of the Academic Year 2023/2024.
  • Participants in the Thematic Community Service LLT DO NOT stay overnight.
  • Participants in the Thematic Community Service Development of Tourism Village MUST stay overnight.

That is all we can convey, thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, November 3, 2023

Director DPPM UII


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.






It was announced to UII students who will take part in KKN Batch-68, Even Semester 2023/2024, that the prerequisites for KKN Batch-68 are as follows:

  1. Academic requirements include passing ≥ 100 credits.
  2. Has completed 50 SKP

Furthermore, the series of processes for KKN Batch-68 can be seen in the following flow diagram:


Picture. Batch-68 KKN Process Flow Diagram

Thank you for your attention.


Yogyakarta, 2 October 2023

Director of DPPM UII


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.

Figure 1. UII DPPM Facilitates Workshop on Indexing UII Journals in SINTA

The presence of a journal in a university is crucial for disseminating faculty works that benefit society and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Managing a journal is not easy, both in terms of obtaining quality manuscripts and maintaining regular publication schedules. At UII, there are currently about 34 journals (out of a total of 62 journals) that have not yet been indexed by the national journal quality monitoring and assessment agency “SINTA” under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. Efforts in promotion, socialization, and more serious management are needed so that journals can obtain quality manuscripts in sufficient quantity to be indexed in SINTA, with the ultimate goal being citations that can benefit society.

This was stated by the Vice Rector of UII for Academic Development & Research, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.S., M.Si., and also the Director of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) of UII, Eko Siswoyo, ST., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D., during their remarks at the Workshop on Indexing UII Journals in SINTA organized by UII DPPM. The workshop featured Yoga Dwi Arianda, ST (Coordinator of Intellectual Property and Scientific Publications, Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service, Directorate General of Higher Education) and Prof. Dr. Jaka Sriyana, SE., M.Si., Ph.D. (Head of the Graduate Program in Economics, UII) as speakers on Friday, September 29, 2023. The event was moderated by Yuli Andriansyah, S.E., M.Si. The workshop, held in the audiovisual room of the Moh. Hatta Building (UII Library), was attended by no fewer than 45 journal managers within the UII community.

Meanwhile, Yoga Dwi Arianda, ST, began his presentation by presenting data on the development of reputable international publications and citations, the profile of UII publications in internationally indexed journals, and the development of accredited journals in Indonesia. He emphasized fundamental requirements in the process of submitting scientific journal accreditation applications, such as administrative requirements, recent changes in requirements, password and account activity as an editor, evaluation criteria and weight, journal management, common mistakes made during the submission of scientific journal accreditation, and journal management strategies.

Figure 2. UII DPPM Facilitates Workshop on Indexing UII Journals in SINTA

On the other hand, Prof. Jaka Sriyana in the second session primarily discussed the roadmap for the development of scientific journals, from non-accredited scientific journals to reputable international journals (Scopus/WoS). According to him, the essence of journal management towards journal reputation lies in publishing management and article substance.

“Good scientific journal management consists of two things: how to conduct editorial governance according to publishing standards and maintaining the quality of substantive, stylistic, and formatting editing,” he said, adding that e-journal management regulates the treatment of a manuscript from acceptance to publication, as well as the quality of stylistic and formatting editing that reflects the content.

Like Yoga Dwi Arianda, he also discussed the elements of assessment for scientific journal accreditation.

Workshop participants appeared quite enthusiastic, posing many questions to the speakers. (WHP)


No: /Dir.DPPM/80/DPPM/VI/2023

About :



The Directorate of Research and Community Service of UII Yogyakarta, opens acceptance as a field supervisor for KKN Batch 67 Odd Semester Academic Year 2023/2024, by fulfilling the following conditions:

  1. Requirements
    • Physically and mentally healthy
    • Minimum education of S1
    • Minimum GPA of 2.75
    • Never participated in KKN
    • Can operate computers and the internet
    • Can work with a team
    • Ready to work in the field
    • Experienced in the field of community empowerment
  1.  Submit an application with a stamp of 10,000, 00 addressed :

Director of the Directorate of Research and Community Service of Universitas Islam Indonesia. Ulil Albab Mosque Building 3rd Floor DPPM, UII Integrated Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5 Yogyakarta

Attached with:

  1. Job Application Letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Photo Copy of valid Identity Card (KTP)
  4. Photo Copy of the last diploma and transcripts
  5. Include cell phone number (active)
  6. Include E-Mail Address (active)
  7. Face color photo 4×6 2 Sheets

All prerequisites are sent directly to DPPM UII office. Other terms and conditions :

  1. Time and place of registration:
    • Registration is opened Monday, June 19 to Friday, June 30, 2023 (applications can be processed until the last day at 15.30 WIB) and the results of the administrative selection of qualified applicants will be announced on Monday, July 3, 2022 at 15.00 WIB.
    • Applications are submitted by: Hardcopy (original) application files are delivered to the dppm, The implementation of the selection test with the offline method is held on: Tuesday, July 4, 2023.

    1. 1. Phase I (Interview Test) tentative time
    2. 2. Phase II (Religious Test) tentative time
      1. The final test results will be announced on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

2. Matters that are not clear can be asked to the service number 085800223858.



Yogyakarta, June 17, 2023

Director UII


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.


No : 467/DirDPPM/40/DPPM/VII/2023

About :



It is announced that the following are the results of the selection of field supervisors for KKN Batch 67 Odd Semester FY 2023/2024:



1 Nita Putri Febrianawati, S.H.
2 Nisrina Qoidah, S.H.
3 Muslihah Faradila S.Hub.Int.
4 Hasman Zhafiri M., S.Pd., SH
5 Muchlis Perdana, S.Psi
6 Taufik Nugraha, S.Pd.I, M.Pd
7 Faqih Adnan Arsyad, S.Pd
8 Osa Rosanto, S.T.
9 Muhammad Syarahbil Hudzaifi, S.H.
10 Muh. Kamil, S.Hub.Int.
11 Yunan Andriansyah
12 Nahdli Muhammad Nur Syifa, S.Pd.
13 Umi Dinurri’ananh
14 Rendik Alviansyah, SE
15 Satryo Kusuma Wibowo, S.Pd.
16 Hasan Ibadin, S.Pd
17 Alfandi Ilham Safaransyah, S.Ag.



18 Muhammad Zainuddin Ma’rifa
19 Safrinal
20 Abdu Chairuroziqin Hamdani
21 Reni Widyastuti, S.Ei., M.E.
22 Muhammad Fuad Fathul Majid, S.Hum

Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, July 7, 2023

Director of DPPM


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.


Number: /DirDPPM/80/DPPM/VII/2023

About :



It is announced for students participating in UII KKN Batch 67 Odd Semester Academic Year 2023/2024 that there is a revised schedule for KKN implementation activities as follows :


Day/Date Activity


1. Thursday, July 13, 2023    15.00 WIB Announcement of Unit Division, DPL and KKN Location On gateway (UII KKN)

Thank you for your attention.


Yogyakarta, July 10, 2023

Director of DPPM UII


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.


Number : /DirDPPM/80/DPPM/VII/2023

About :


It  is  announced  that  students  participating  in  UII  KKN  Batch  67  Odd  Semester  Academic  Year 2023/2024 are expected to pay attention and must follow the schedule of KKN implementation activities as follows:


Day/Date Activity


1. Monday, July 10, 2023 Announcement of Unit Division On the gateway (UII KKN)
15.00 WIB
2. Thursday, July 13, 2023 Announcement of Supervisors On the gateway (UII KKN)
15.00 WIB
3. Thursday, July 13, 2023 Announcement of KKN Location On the gateway (UII KKN)
15.00 WIB

Distribution of Student Supplies (maximum 1 representative)

DPPM 3rd floor
Monday, July 17, 2023 Phase 1 – units 1 to 55
08.30 to 11.00 WIB
13.00 to 15.00 WIB Phase 2 – units 56 to 110
Selasa, 18 Juli 2023 Phase 3 – units 111 to 166
08.30 to 11.00 WIB
13.00 to 15.00 WIB Phase 4 – units 167 to 222


Thursday, July 20, 2023

08.30 to 11.00 WIB

Phase 5 – units 223 to 278  
13.00 to 15.00 WIB Phase 6 – units 279 to 334
Friday, July 21, 2023 Phase 7 – units 335 to 390
08.30 to 11.00 WIB
13.00 to 15.00 WIB Phase 8 – units 391 to 446
Monday, July 24, 2023 Phase 9 – units 447 to 502
08.30 to 11.00 WIB
13.00 to 15.00 WIB Phase 10 – units 503 to 547
5. Kefakultasan / Keprodian debriefing of kkn students Live streaming on dppm UII youtube channel
Monday, July 17, 2023 Faculty of Law
09.00 to 12.00 WIB
Monday, July 17, 2023 Faculty of Business and Economics
13.00 to 15.00 WIB
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Faculty of Islamic Studies
09.00 to 12.00 WIB
Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
13.00 to 15.00 WIB
Thursday, July 20, 2023 Faculty of Industrial Technology
09.00 to 12.00 WIB



  Thursday, July 20, 2023

13.00 to 15.00 WIB

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning  
Friday, July 21, 2023 Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences
09.00 to 12.00 WIB
Friday, July 21, 2023 Faculty of Medicine
13.00 to 15.00 WIB
6. Thursday, July 27, 2023 Discharge. 1 unit of 2 guardians, male and female. North parking lot of Ulil Albab mosque
07.00 WIB
7. Monday, August 1, 2023 Deployment, Territorial At their respective locations
At their respective locations Debriefing – mandatory for all students

Thank you for your attention.


Yogyakarta, July 4, 2023

Director of DPPM UII


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.

No : 446/DirDPPM/40/DPPM/VII/2023
About :

It is announced that the announcement of passing the administrative selection and the implementation of the UII KKN field supervisor 2 test has been postponed. The announcement of passing the selection will be announced on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at 11.00 WIB. Meanwhile, the test for field supervisors 2 who pass the administrative selection will be held on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 starting at 09.00 WIB.

Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, July 3, 2023
Director of DPPM
Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.


No : /DirDPPM/40/DPPM/VII/2023

About :



It is announced that the following are the results of passing the administrative selection and implementation of the UII KKN field supervisor 2 test:



1 Nita Putri Febrianawati, S.H.
2 Nisrina Qoidah, S.H.
3 Muslihah Faradila S.Hub.Int.
4 Eko Budhi Santoso, S.Kom
5 Imam Dinata, SH
6 Hasman Zhafiri M., S.Pd., SH
7 Muchlis Perdana, S.Psi
8 Indra Saputra Jaya, S.Pd.I.
9 Taufik Nugraha, S.Pd.I, M.Pd
10 Faqih Adnan Arsyad, S.Pd
11 M. Habib Pashya S.Hub.Int.
12 Ichsan pandu Wicaksono, S.T.
13 Rifky Nurcahyani, SE
14 Tamara Alifadina, S.H.
15 M. Sandi Malik Ibrahim, S.H.
16 Yusuf Ahmad Sudrajat, S.M.


17 M. Waritsul Firdaus, F,S.H.
18 Ari Cahyanti, S.Pd.
19 Osa Rosanto, S.T.
20 Yaddika Muhammad, S.H., M.Kn
21 Gufron Gozali, S.Hub.Int.
22 Ahmad Rido, S.E.
23 Rendik Alviansyah, SE
24 Vira Prajna Cantika, SE
25 Muhammad Fuadi, S.Pd.
26 Muhammad Farchan Juliansyah, S.H.
27 Satryo Kusuma Wibowo, S.Pd.
28 Muhammad Syarahbil Hudzaifi, S.H.
29 Nahdli Muhammad Nur Syifa, S.Pd.
30 Hasan Ibadin, S.Pd
31 Arya Bagaskara, S.Ag.
32 Muhammad Fuad Fathul Majid, S.Hum
33 Alfandi Ilham Safaransyah, S.Ag.
34 Luqman Fais Maulana. S.Sos
35 Chaidirrullah, S.I.Kom
36 Irma Nur Hidayah, S.E.
37 Riska Cindy Hendri Astuti, S.Pd
38 Reni Widyastuti, S.Ei., M.E.
39 Abdu Chairuroziqin Hamdani
40 Muhammad Zainuddin Ma’rifa
41 Mubarok



42 Muh. Kamil, S.Hub.Int.
43 Septian Dwiyana Utomo
44 Umi Dinurri’ananh
45 Yunan Andriansyah
46 Safrinal
47 Annisa Feby Prasetiani, S.Pd.

Thus, please pay attention.

Yogyakarta, July 4, 2023

Director of DPPM


Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D.