Violence is any intentional action taken by an individual or group that results in physical injury or mental stress, disrupting activities and health. Violence has a negative impact on both the victim and the perpetrator, thus requiring attention, including in KKN activities.

The KKN Center is committed to preventing violence against students and following up on any incidents that have already occurred to students, provided that the incidents are reported to DPPM.

Reports of incidents can be made by directly reporting to the KKN Center of DPPM UII or through their respective Unit Heads, Field Supervisors, Student Organizations, or through KKN Services via HP/WA 085800223858 or email [email protected], which will be forwarded to the DPPM director. Reporters must provide clear information about the incident, including the time, place, and individuals involved, as well as supporting evidence.

As a follow-up to the report, DPPM can form an Investigation Team and cooperate with other units related to the case. The team aims to identify the case, type of violence, and its impact, as well as provide recommendations for the protection and handling of victims. The results of the investigation team’s work will include a case description, decision recommendations, and follow-up actions. Follow-up actions may include recommendations for handling at a higher level in accordance with UII’s prevailing regulations or reporting it to the authorities.