(Singapore, May 12) The Indonesian Islamic University (UII), as one of the leading private universities in Indonesia, reaffirms its commitment to continuously developing international networks and providing high-quality higher education services to Indonesian citizens through teaching, research, and community service.

In an effort to strengthen its presence on the international stage, UII has initiated a community service program for the Indonesian diaspora in Singapore by partnering with the Education and Cultural Attaché (Atdikbud) of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore. The program includes a series of activities, such as limited discussions with Atdikbud KBRI Singapore, discussions with various Indonesian diaspora communities, creative non-fiction writing workshops, and field studies to the Indonesian diaspora community in Singapore. The Indonesian diaspora in Singapore currently numbers over 250,000 people with diverse professional backgrounds who are active in nation-building according to their respective fields of expertise.

Ir. Eko Siswoyo, S.T., M.Sc.ES., Ph.D, the Director of DPPM UII, stated in his speech that the cooperation aims broadly to establish academic collaboration between UII and the Indonesian diaspora as well as universities and academic communities in Singapore. Another goal is to develop short- and long-term programs to assist Indonesian citizens in Singapore and to enhance the public communication skills of the Indonesian diaspora in life skills development that can be supported by UII. One of the activities carried out is a creative non-fiction writing workshop led by Prof. Dr.rer.soc. Masduki, S.Ag., M.Si.

The event was attended by various communities, such as the Indonesian Student Association in Singapore, the Indonesian Muslim Community in Singapore, the Open University Indonesian Student Association in Singapore, the Indonesian Women’s Empowerment and Equality Commissioner, the Indonesian Migrant Workers Commissioner, and the Indonesian School Association in Singapore.

I Gusti Agung Ketut Satrya Wibawa (Atdikbud KBRI Singapore) expressed appreciation and gratitude to UII for initiating the cooperation program. He hopes that the activities will continue, given the complexity of issues faced by Atdikbud KBRI in fostering various Indonesian diaspora communities in Singapore.

The overall activities received positive responses from the participants and are planned to be followed up with the creation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for cooperation, the formation of a working group, and writing training in both online and offline media.