The Atmosphere of the Gebyar Lansia Activities Expo in Gedongkiwo Village (left) and the Gebyar Lansia Expo in Purbayan Village (right). (Photo: Widodo)
YOGYAKARTA CITY (UII News). The Gebyar Lansia event marked the culmination of the Thematic Community Service Program (KKN) by the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Integrated Elderly Services Program (LLT) in Yogyakarta City, specifically in Purbayan and Gedongkiwo villages. The Gebyar Lansia event in Purbayan Village was held at the Purbayan Sports Hall on 9 Sha’ban 1445 H / February 19, 2024, attended by elderly experts from the Yogyakarta City Bappeda, Kotagede District Chief, Purbayan Village Head, Purbayan Elderly Commission Chairman, the Head of the UII KKN Center, and UII KKN Field Supervising Lecturers in Purbayan.
Rahmanto, S.Fil., M.A., an elderly expert from the Yogyakarta City Bappeda, in his speech, expressed happiness about the KKN students’ concern for the elderly and hoped the program could continue sustainably. Meanwhile, Komaru Ma’arif, the Kotagede District Chief, mentioned other ongoing assistance provided by KKN students from other universities, such as maintaining cultural heritage objects or buildings and assisting with tourism potential in Purbayan. According to him, all of these are part of the Gandeng Gendong Yogyakarta City program, which involves universities as one of its components.
The Gebyar Lansia activities in Purbayan concluded with an expo showcasing KKN outputs, such as modules on Inheritance and Will Law, Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Post Power Syndrome, Effective Communication with the Elderly, Hypertension and Stroke Education, Elderly Medication, Household Chemicals, Elderly Health and Nutrition, Elderly-Friendly Home Analysis, Physical & Social Activities for the Elderly, Purbayan LLT Analysis, Elderly Worship Guidebook, and the development of an Emergency Bracelet for elderly living alone, among various door prize raffles.
Meanwhile, the Gebyar Lansia in Gedongkiwo Village was held on 16 Sha’ban 1445 / February 26, 2024, at Joglo Bale Witana Gedongkiwo, attended by the Gedongkiwo Village Head, Gedongkiwo Elderly Commission Chairman, representatives from UII’s DPPM, and UII KKN Field Supervising Lecturers in Gedongkiwo.
Rina Budi Prastiwi, S.IP., M.Si., the Gedongkiwo Village Head, expressed hope for the program’s sustainability and that the efforts by UII KKN students would serve as a foundation for strengthening the LLT commission, developing LLT programs, and empowering the economy through the LLT scheme. She also requested UII KKN students to further promote the GoLanTang (Go Resilient Elderly) BKKBN application.
Unlike the expo in Purbayan Village, which featured more modules, the expo in Gedongkiwo Village showcased more products, such as peyek (crackers), herbal drinks, snacks, salted eggs, tempeh burgers, eco-enzyme soap, and many more.